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How Can We Help You?
These unseen times are presenting businesses with problems that they have not had to grapple with before. From working from home arrangements, to redundancies due to drops in workload pandemic and to government mandates to close the doors, there is a lot of stress on businesses today. Yes, this too shall pass, but that doesn’t quite help with issues faced right now.
JP Smith can assist and alleviate some of this stress in a number of ways:
- From providing temporary staff to businesses who’s staff have had to self-isolate or any other reason,
- Giving advice on any HR and legislative matters around standing staff down, changing how they work and on mandated leave,
- Assisting with having hard conversations with staff whose positions may be in jeopardy due to the pandemic,
- Conducting online psychometric testing to assist with the recruitment process;
- Helping you prepare your advertisements and your recruitment process in preparation for when you start hiring again;
- Doing "check-in" calls with your staff from our registered psychologists. If you've got people who you have concerns about, who are working from home, we can give them a call and ask the right questions.
If you need a hand with staffing or HR, a sounding board to bounce people and business related ideas off of, or maybe an empathetic chat about how you're going, please call us on (07) 4659 7400.
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