PSYCHOMetric Personality TESTING


We now offer online Psychometric personality testing for those clients who want an abbreviated, quick and simple personality profile of their candidates.  It is 100% online and we can generally have the results to you within 24 hours. 

The online psychometric personality profiling looks at the five major domains of personality:

  1. The N Scale – which can assess emotional stability and resilience;
  2. The E Scale – which looks at introversion versus extraversion;
  3. The O Scale – this looks at how “open” someone is to new ideas, new ways of doing things, how accepting of training and generally, their readiness to take-in new input;
  4. The A Scale – which looks at how agreeable an individual is and how they will get along with others;
  5. The C Scale – Conscientiousness, which looks at self-discipline, order, their desire to achieve and their ability to strive and put in the required effort.



We have been using this type of personality profile for over 17 years and it’s been a proven predictor of performance and now we can offer this in a simple, online format. All you need to do is email us the name of the individual you want tested, their date of birth and a contact phone number for them and we will get the testing set up and off to them (and then give them a follow-up text message to prompt them to complete the testing if needed). Once we’ve completed that testing, we will generate a report and send it to you with any commentary that’s needed.

It’s quick, simple and effective and in conjunction with your interviews and reference checks, it will go a long way to giving you the complete picture of the individual you’re interviewing. Or that bit of extra information of the person who you’re thinking about promoting within your business.

Individual tests are $785 + GST or if you are conducting a bulk screening exercise, the tests can be bought in packs of five at $685 plus GST each.  



Send an email to us at with the following information:

  1. Name of Test Taker:
  2. D.O.B. of Test Taker:
  3. Contact Number of Test Taker:
  4. Your Name:
  5. Your Contact Number:
  6. The email address you want the report sent to:

*Tip: Click on the email link and it should auto populate all of the fields above.

Want to get in touch by phone?  Call us on 07 4659 7400 or 07 3333 2200 and we can get underway.

Note that this testing is purely personality profiling and does not include the usual full psychological profiling suite of assessments. That is, it doesn’t include cognitive ability, the accuracy and attention testing and the full behavioural, face-to-face assessment with a registered Psychologist. It also doesn’t include the customised report to the position and organisation, rather, it is a report based purely on the personality of the individual. If you’d like the full psychological profiling option, more information can be found here: Full Psychological Profiling for Work and Performance