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Power BI And Automation
Here at JP Smith, we are experimenting with the Microsoft automation suite. We've had some clients use it in the past and they've seen the benefits of it and we thought we would give it a go. There are some functions and tasks here that nobody really likes doing that we think we can automate and we will keep you posted of the results. Some of our follow-ups, report writing and basic admin tasks will be looked at to begin with and it's nice to have a little project to work on, outside the usual. Probably goes hand-in-hand with the first article in this newsletter about the creative types. But at the end of the day, we are in the people business and nothing will replace having a chat with someone. So if you find that you're on the receiving end of something from us that doesn't have the usual personal touch, let us know. Your what's important, not our processes.
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